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What Is A Restricted Call? Everything About It.

Restricted Call

A call from a number marked as “Restricted” is similar to getting a knock at the door when you aren’t expecting it. Not knowing who is calling you or why can be very unsettling, especially if it frequently happens throughout the day.

Unfortunately, the majority of people frequently receive these rude and annoying calls. The good news is that many strategies are available for rebuffing these restricted calls.

What Is A Restricted Call?

When a person or business wants to block their number from the person they are calling, it is a restricted call. In most cases, caller ID will display a name or number when a call placed.

Your phone’s call log will also include a record of this information. This information won’t be disclosed; the caller will remain anonymous if the number is restricted. Additionally, you may not even be able to see the information on your monthly bill because these calls may appear anonymous in your phone log.

These restricted calls are getting harder to track down and block as technology advances.

What’s the Deal With Restricted Calls?

When a person or business doesn’t want the recipient of the call to know who they are or be able to track the call back to them, they typically use restricted calls. A service that is easy to set up and provided by all telecom providers typically includes the feature.

Entering *67 before making a call is one of the more popular methods for enabling a restricted call. The call will still go through normally, but your actual phone number will appear in place of “restricted,” “unknown,” or “private.”

But if you’re calling a friend, you’d probably prefer they answer and see that it’s you. So who exactly needs to pretend to be someone else using this feature?

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Who Uses Restricted Calls?

Although some people might employ this strategy to increase their level of privacy, robocalls, telemarketers, and bill collection companies most frequently do. That’s not to say that someone trying to con you out of money whenever a restricted call is placed.

To maintain anonymity, the caller has chosen to disable their caller ID. Someone you know and trust wouldn’t go through the trouble of hiding their phone number, so it doesn’t make sense.

As a result, the caller is probably someone you don’t know or are trying to avoid. This prompts the query of what to do during a restricted call.

Should You Answer Restricted Call?

Although it won’t always be one, the chances of it being a scammer or bill collector on the other end of a restricted call are fairly high. Answering a call from someone trying to pass as someone else is similar to opening your door to someone wearing a mask. Although a negative outcome is not a given, a positive outcome is also not very likely.

It’s best to ignore a restricted call and let them leave a voicemail if they are that adamant about getting in touch. Restricted callers are most likely scammers or automated callers if they do not leave a message outlining the reason for their call and how to contact them.

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How Can You Respond to Repeated Restricted Calls?

Having your phone almost constantly ring all day can be extremely annoying. Unfortunately, given the recent increase in spam and robocalls, that is starting to happen more frequently.

A few laws have develope over the years to aid in lowering the number of these calls, but they are insufficient to halt them completely. So you will probably have to handle it yourself if you frequently receive these intrusive calls. There are a few ways to prevent these restricted calls from being made.


It is relatively simple to block restricted calls if you are still using a landline and frequently receive them. You only need to dial *77 on your phone to get started. A confirmation message informing you that the process is finished should be audible.

From this point forward, an automated message will tell the caller to unblock their number and try again whenever a restricted call is placed to their phone. You could dial *87 on your phone to turn off this feature.

You’ll hear a second confirmation message, after which you’ll start getting calls again.

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On a cell phone, blocking restricted calls can be a little trickier than on a landline. The most crucial element is the service provider you use for your phone.

For instance, AT&T allows its customers to reject restricted and anonymous calls. Nevertheless, depending on your plan, they might add a monthly fee for enabling this service.

Another provider, Verizon, also lets you block restricted calls, but only if you’re signed up for their Smart Family Plan. No plans or features are available right now for Sprint or T-Mobile customers that will stop restricted calls.


Nowadays, there are phone apps for just about everything, including preventing restricted calls. Many call-blocking apps are available, so make sure you choose one with the features you need.

The most effective call-blocking apps build a “whitelist” based on the contacts in your phone. An incoming call from someone on this allowlist will handl normally.

A restricted or unknown number, on the other hand, will automatically go to voicemail.

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You might want to consider filing a police report if you consistently receive restricted calls or the messages are threatening or aggressive. If not, the police may be able to help you locate the number using your phone’s records.

Even without threatening messages, receiving dozens of daily calls constitutes harassment and may subject the caller to legal action.

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Conclusion- Restricted Call

Answering a restricted call from someone trying to conceal their true identity is like opening your front door to someone wearing a mask. The person on the other end won’t always be a scammer or bill collector. Although it might not turn out badly, it is unlikely to be advantageous.

If they are so eager to get in touch, it’s best to ignore restricted calls and let them leave a voicemail. Restricted callers are most likely scammers or automated callers if they do not leave a message outlining the nature of their call and how to contact them.

Many good arguments exist for why someone might want to place a restricted call. Instead of just dealing with it or changing your number, you can do a few things if you frequently receive calls from a restricted number.

Although your phone provider may provide the option to block these calls, using an app is probably the most effective way. The headache and annoyance of a ringing phone can be avoided using these call-blocking apps, typically only a few dollars per month.

SEE: What Does *67 Do?

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